Riverside School, Wood Green, ILC
White Hart Lane, London - UK
N22 5QJ
Tel: 020 8889 7814
How to find us:
London Underground: The nearest station is Wood Green
National Rail: The nearest station is Alexandra Palace
Bus: The buses that stop closest to the school are the W4 and W3.
Leadership Team
Headteacher: Martin Doyle
Deputy Head: Marc Kirby
Deputy Head: Kelly Whiting
The school considers that it meets its access obligations under the Equality Act 2010. The buildings and site have been designed to modern building regulation standards so that it is accessible to anyone with mobility impairments.
- School Offer:
Help us make a difference! By donating to Out & About, you directly contribute to subsidising the cost of day trips and residential school journeys, making these invaluable experiences accessible to all students. Please consider giving today. Thank you for your generosity
Art at Riverside School
Parents Access:
A warm welcome from us all at Riverside School
and thank you for visiting our website.
‘Pupils and staff enjoy first-rate, trusting relationships. The school….makes a wonderful contribution to pupils’ personal development’.
Ofsted, March 2022
‘…..fantastic opportunities provide students with exceptional experiences that they will remember for life’.
Challenge Partners, April 2023
‘Autistic students are treated with dignity, status and respect and are provided with meaningful positive feedback to boost confidence, self-esteem, and self-worth.’
National Autistic Society, June 2024
We are a successful co-educational maintained secondary special school based in Haringey in North London. We provide 175 places for students, mainly from across the borough.
Riverside students experience a wide range of learning challenges, from the highest functioning to the most complex, including general, moderate, complex, severe and profound and multiple learning difficulties. Approximately two-thirds of our students have a diagnosis of autism.
At KS4 all students take a range of fully accredited courses according to their capacity. The majority of students transition to college at year 11, but a small cohort stay on at Riverside for their Post-16 years where they also take a range of accredited courses.
Main School classes at Riverside are grouped within Teams 1-4 according to common levels of communication and independence, with Team 1 classes being the highest-functioning, and the other Teams reflecting staggered complexities of need. Team 5 is based in an off-site annex covering a range of needs. Age ranges are: Teams 1-3 (11-16), Team 4 (11-19) Team 5 (16-19).
(please click on the various blue links below)
I would encourage our website visitors, in the first instance, to take a look at our SCHOOL OFFER which can be found under the For Parents tab above. This will give you a thorough overview of everything we offer at Riverside, including how classes are organised to meet different levels of need, the curriculum and our safeguarding arrangements.
New parents can find the answer to most questions they may have before their child starts at Riverside in all the sub-menus under the For Parents tab.
Our Ofsted Inspection Reports can be found under the Reports tab. Other quality audit reports can be found under this tab, such as our National Autistic Society (NAS) Certificate of Quality Provision (2024), NAS Accreditation Report (2024) and all our Awards.
All the documents under the Learning tab offer detailed descriptions of our curriculum frameworks, assessment systems and our accredited courses.
The Beyond Lessons tab gives comprehensive descriptions of our extra-curricular programmes, including our after-school and holiday clubs and residential school journeys.
We are very proud of the Ofsted Inspector’s judgement of Outstanding that we received for our Personal Development work in our March 2022 Inspection. The Inspector wrote: ‘The school has an extensive programme for pupils’ enrichment outside the classroom. It makes a wonderful contribution to pupils’ personal development’.
We also received a judgement of Outstanding for Behaviour and Welfare, with the Inspector commenting: ‘Pupils and staff enjoy first-rate, trusting relationships. Staff are experts at managing pupils’ behaviours. They do so with consistency’.
Our school motto is ‘Learning to Live Life to the Full’. We aim to deliver positive outcomes for all, enhancing our students’ life-chances through ensuring that they all have the highest possible levels of independence before transition to their post-16 or post-19 provisions, and on to adult life.
I must say I feel privileged to lead a school so highly-regarded, and be part of a community culture featuring such high levels of mutual respect, the protection and promotion of dignity and an authentic celebration of diversity.